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Looking for specialist immigration advice? We deal with complex cases.
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Want to apply for citizenship? We are here for you. Arona St James Solicitors
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Property and litigation matters? Arona St James Solicitors
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Looking for Wills and Probate advice? We are here for you.
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COVID 19 Our law firm remains open and we are adopting social distancing into our everyday lifes.

We’re keeping the coronavirus situation under review and monitoring the advice we receive from the Ministry of Justice, Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Public Health England. Our priority is the health and safety of all our colleagues, clients and third parties that we need to have contact with, whilst ensuring that we are available to continue to deliver our high quality legal and associated services.

We are open for clients that need to be seen, and those clients will be seen by appointment only. One client will be allowed to visit our office at any one time. In most cases we carry on as normal we are already set up to work remotely and have facilities to undertake conference calling and videos, we have years of experience handing transactions and cases remotely as many of clients live around the world, the delivery of services can be maintained to an exceptional standard with little disruption.

Please see NHS guidance below regarding the coronavirus:

In line with the policy we are happy to conduct work via phone/email/video conference and ask that any relevant documents are scanned to us. If you visit our offices we will ask you to wash your hands and all handshakes are excused. We will be routinely cleaning and wiping down surfaces following the latest NHS advice on face to face contact.

Arona St James Solicitors London

At Arona St James Solicitors, we are passionate about the law and we are committed to providing our clients with the very best legal advice and guidance.

Your problems are our problems and, as a team that includes expert solicitors and barristers, we use our years of experience to resolve your problems as efficiently as possible.

We specialise in a range of legal areas: corporate & personal immigration, asylum, family, child abduction, wills & probate, commercial, property and litigation matters.

We work for individuals, small and big businesses, high profile artists and charities. Whatever the legal problem you face, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.

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For You

We specialise in complex immigration & family law cases. We can also assist in other legal matters.

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For Business

Arona St James Solicitors’s Corporate, Commercial and Immigration teams have over 45 years of experience.

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About Us

Arona St James Solicitors’s is a firm that prides itself in providing a bespoke service. We are based in London.


We offer a tailored service for all clients and this may not suit all people. We listen to you, assess the strength to provide a bespoke service.

We are known for being a boutique London based law firm and our goals are as follows


We will use all our expertise to help you succeed. Read our detailed Google reviews to hear what our clients say about us.


We ensure all our fees are clear and fair from the start. Fees can be payable in instalments


Direct access to our solicitors and barristers. We operate an open door policy. You can always speak to someone who can help.


Your case is our case. We are known for providing a professional service but demonstrate time and time again that we do care about the outcome.


Contact Us

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